The Seeker of Wands is a highly energetic and creative person who has been gifted with wonderful ideas, passion, and vision. Where the SoW struggles is with follow-through. They are not as good at showing up day in and day out to tend to their vision, which means they quickly move on to the next idea. They may have self-doubt or they may just not understand what it's like to be consistent. They may feel like they are trapped if they stick to one thing. This card is an invitation to courageousness. It asks you to acknowledge your fears of failure, success, or being constrained, but to then move forward.
Seeker of Wands Inspired Design
A client reached out to me asking me to create a design based of a tarot card that resonated with her, The Seeker of Wands.I took the meaning of the card, alongside the client's interests, and began doing some sketches. I shared those sketches, the client ended up liking the design of the Enterprise on the end of a wand/staff the best. She asked for the addition of Kadiith, an element I had used in different sketches. Kadiith is a Vulcan word that means "what is, is". I incorporated the word like how the Seeker of Wands text had been on the original inspiration card.I used some flora and fauna in the piece, faking the time to research their meanings of them. I wanted them to reflect what the card meant rather than what looked pretty. I ended up using thyme, hollyhocks, and borage.
Book Quotes Graphics
I'm an avid reader and sometimes I get inspired to make book quote grahics. These are a few I've done either from being inspired or as a part of a challenge I gave myself in 2023 to redesign book covers that I read and was recommended by someone.
12 Book Cover Resdesigns
During 2023, I did a challenge where I read 12 books recommended by 12 people. The challenge was created by @shadowbooker on Instagram. I added a challenge to myself with this challenge to redesign each book I read.First I read the book to know what happens and get a feel for the book. Then I thought about the book, what were things I thought about the book and used those elements to create a redesigned version of the book cover. I also used some inspiration from the book covers of the edition I read for some of my design choices.
AceyDesi Logo

The current AceyDesi Logo
AceyDesi is an Instagram that I created with 5 other friends. We bonded over the fact that all of us were on the asexuality spectrum and of South Asian heritage.During our chats in our group chat, we one day came up with the idea to create an Instagram for South Asian Asexuals. It was created with the intention of being a safe place for others like us, but also to educate and spread knowledge.Since this was a brand of sorts, that meant we needed a logo and I stepped up to the plate to do. I talked with my friends to see what sort of ideas they had and figure out what best suited the brand. The big idea that everyone liked was doing something like the ACDC logo since it has similar letters. I took that inspiration and found a way to make it our own.As logos do, the AceyDesi one did go through a redesign or two. One to improve and one to go along with an April Fool's joke.

The original AceyDesi Logo

The April Fool's Day AceyDesi Logo

The mandala I created for the current AceyDesi Logo